Friday, September 17, 2010

Sanibel's Gulfside City Park

This morning, I had a short bit of time to spare, so I went to Gulfside City Park.  It's located on Algiers Ln, just off Casa Ybel Rd. There were a few cars in the parking area, but wasn't crowded at all.

The first thing I noticed was SHELLS!!
The Shell Gods had made a visit!

My excitement was short lived, after I looked through some of the shells.  There were a lot there, and many that most people would like.  But, I had to quit taking the kinds that we have an abundance of.  Anyway, I think it's better they are left for
someone else. :) I know there would have been some little treasures hiding there, if I would have spent more time searching.

This is a beautiful part of the beach to go to, and great shelling much of the time.  Also a nice area to stay.  Ocean's Reach is right next to it, and I have it on good authority that it's a great place to vacation.  You might also want to check out their BLOG, it's is very informative and also has many great reviews from recent visitors. 

Gulfside City Park, has may nice features that make it a fun place to go for a beach visit and a picnic.


Dave said...

What do you use the shells for Tootie? Can you shown us sometime? - Dave

Don said...

I second Ocean's Reach. Debbie and I generally stay at Sundial but on our last visit we stayed at Ocean's reach and loved it. We were planning on a return in October and that is where we planned on staying again. It was a great place and a wonderful, friendly, helpful staff.

NanaDiana said...

I never tire of looking at pictures of Sanibel! Lovely ~ Diana

Heaven's Walk said...

I LUV the 2nd photo you posted here today, Tootie. Soooooo very pretty! It looks like a piece of art! We'll definitely have to check out that beach when we get down there! :)

xoxo laurie@heavens-walk

Flotsam Friends said...

Hi Tootie, thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your lovely comment. Now I've found you (and am following). Wow oh wow. These shots are fabulous. All those shells I think I'd have a heart attack. I so have to come over there. It really is an amazing part of the world. Will now find out more about Ocean's reach. Pruxxx

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