Thursday, September 16, 2010

Drive To Captiva

We took a ride around Sanibel and then out to Captiva this afternoon, it was a little hot in the sun, but the wind helped make it pleasant to be out.  There sure isn't much traffic on the island right now or many people on the beach either.  Those that were there, seemed real happy to have plenty of space.
After driving around Captiva for a while, we headed back to Blind Pass, stopping there for a while to see if we might be missing out on some good shelling.  It didn't take long to figure out that we weren't.

There were a couple of fishermen sitting under the bridge, taking advantage of the shade.

There were a few little shells and I could see more, a few feet out from the edge of the water.  There was nothing interesting enough to make me want to look very long.

I did pick up a couple of small shells, so
I didn't go home empty handed. :)

A Keyhole limpet and a Lady-in-waiting venus


Gayle said...

I am curious if you ever get tired of driving around the island looking? Or is it refreshing every day? I am beginning to get bored of my life.

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

That's the best time to be at the beach. When there's hardly anyone else around!

Tootie said...

Gale, to answer your question, no I never get tired of looking around the islands. I guess after living in the middle of the country all my life until I moved here, this is all still new to me. I did wondered if I could become complacent about my surroundings, but that has not happened. I doubt I could ever tire of the beauty here. Each tree, flower, bird, seashell, etc looks different to me. And I think living everyday as if it could be my last, makes me enjoy it even more. Maybe it's an age thing? :)

NanaDiana said...

Tootie- I have always loved that time of day on the islands. I have not been in so long so I am living vicariously through you!>) Diana

Drawn to The Sea said...

If possible, I'd walk the shore every day. You're one lucky girl.

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