Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sanibel Seashell Search

It seemed as though we had a lot of rain today.  It started this morning and rained off and on until mid-afternoon.  But, the  report from this end of the island shows only 0.01" which is hard to believe, since we had water standing in the swale all day.  Another indication of excess rain, was that the newspaper was soaked all the way through and the plastic bag it was in when they tossed it in the driveway was also full of water.  Not a good sign. :)  The temperature was fairly pleasant today, going from 74 to 85 with 90% humidity.

I went to resident access 1 on West Gulf Drive late this afternoon.  First thing I noticed as I walked out onto the beach was the cool wind.  That was very pleasant!  The next thing I noticed
was a small rainbow. 

There were not many shells coming in.  But there were scattered shells left along the high tide line.  There were no foot prints along there, so I searched for a while and found a pocket full of small shells and I was happy with that.  Although, when I think about it, a couple of years ago, I never went to the beach without a shellbag in my pocket.  I usually went home with it full everytime.  It was just a very pleasant time to be out.  I only saw one family that walked past while I was there.

This is where I searched for shells.

There is a treasure here, can you find it?


Tink *~*~* said...

I saw a bubble, a cerinth and an itsy bitsy teeny weeny white micro-something. What did it turn out to be - a tulip, maybe?

Bee-ooo-tee-ful skies :)


George said...

We could have used some of that rain up here. We had clear skies most of the day.

Gayle said...

Okay...that wasn't a fair question to ask someone who lives a lifetime away from the beach. I made the photo big and I have a couple of guesses...the purple on in the top left since it is the only one that color or in the middle to the bottom was a very smooth perfect orangish one. I don't know...I saw a lot of keepers.

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

I see a bubble in the pic. Is that what you picked up?

I absolutely love a quiet beach with nobody else around. Hope the crowds stay away for a few more weeks.

sue in mexico mo said...

Do I see a little olive? That is one of my favorites.

gpc said...

I see a bubble and an itty tiny bitty white whelk a little way above it (or whelk-ish shell!)

Drawn to The Sea said...

A pen shell in the bottom left, & a slipper toward the center? Love the way the rain leaves a lacy pattern in the sand.

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