We had to go to CVS and then on to Bailey's to get a few groceries. There were a lot of stormy looking clouds hanging around, but I wanted to make a quick walk out to the beach to take a few pictures for the blog. We stopped at resident access 5 on West Gulf Drive, hurried through the path, to get there before it started raining again. When we walked onto the beach, the view of the clouds was beautiful! There were also a lot of shells today. But even with a breeze, it was still hot. After taking a couple of pictures, the noseeums found me and wouldn't leave me alone, so that was the end of our beach visit. I didn't want to leave because I didn't get a chance to look for shells. :( But, there will be another day.
It was time to go home and make dinner for visiting family anyway. That was much more fun and after dinner we played Rock Band until after mid-night. Having teenagers around, sure makes it clear that age certainly slows down your eye/hand coordination. It was fun watching them play on Hard and Expert, my eyes couldn't even keep up just watching. Arthritic fingers don't work too well either. :)

Hi Tootie, We are having horribly hot and humid and DRY weather here now... It's been the worst summer I can remember --since we moved here in 2003. I'm glad we have air conditioning!!!! ha
Your beach pictures are gorgeous...I know you enjoy having company. I've never heard of Rock Band---but then again, we are seldom around any teens....
Hope you get a cool down soon... Me too!!!
I had to smile at Betsy's comment. We've had nothing but rain for weeks now and hot and humid doesn't sound horrible to me. LOL My kids play that Rock Band and I definitely cannot keep up.
Hi there! LOVE your photos in this post today! We are having hot, sun, and humidity here in Cleveland..BUT.. after the winter we had..I am enjoying it! My friend just got back from a stay at the Tween Waters Inn Resort... I am thinking of going after her testimony... have you been?
It's been hot here as well, but we don't have a nice beach to help us cool off. I really like your pictures of the clouds over the beach.
I hate no-see-ums! One year my sister got so many bites she had to go to the doctor while in Sanibel. Do you "locals" have a favorite spray or prevention?
Love your cloud photos. I watched the sky a lot last week. :-) Always beautiful, even when stormy.
Ivy, yes I have been to Tween Waters Inn many times. I have not stayed there on past vacations though. Many others have told me they enjoyed their stay on that property. It is in a very beautiful location, a narrow strip between the Gulf and Bay, so you have a beautiful view from either side. Here's a link so that you can see for yourself, and they have a sale going on for another 6 weeks. :)) http://www.tween-waters.com/ Come on down!
Sue, noseeums do bother me, but usually an After Bite Stick, takes care of me after being attacked by one. Sprays with DEET seem to help most people keep them at bay, if you don't mind spraying DEET on yourself. :( If I have to go out during a time when I know they are going to be a problem, I just spray a little Cactus Juice on my legs and arms and it usually works. The best defense is to simply stay off the beach and away from bushy or landscaped areas, early morning and evenings just before sunset. Just after a rain shower, is another bad time to be out, they seem to thrive in the humidity. Some people say Avon's Skin So Soft is helpful, but the smell of that stuff bothers me more than the pesky noseeums. :) That After Bite Stick is my best friend.
Love the storm photos. That's one of my favorite things about Sanibel - and Florida actually. They are so beautiful and you can start counting on them to come pretty much every day now :)
Maybe Bonnie will bring you some rain today and tomorrow???
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