Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sanibel Sunday and Visit With Family

It was a hot, 94 degree day, but still a nice one. One of my daughters and her family has been visiting for the last 6 days and have another 6 left. We've been having a wonderful time with them. We had lunch at the Lighthouse Cafe today, which was very good.

We were at Pointe Santo a while today. The heat didn't seem to be keeping anyone inside. There were lots of bright colored umbrellas scattered all over the beach.

Later in the day, we had to make a Lowes run. Clouds were beginning to gather, as we crossed the Sanibel Causeway. After stopping to wash the car on the way back, just as we drove out, it started raining. Darn! It rained until we reached the first causeway island. Looking in one direction, we could see rain coming down heavily, in another direction the sun was sending rays through openings in the clouds. The view from the Sanibel Causeway is always beautiful!


Don said...

I agree, what a beautiful site.

Debbie and I always comment to each other as we cross the first bridge after the toll both that we feel like we are back home.

Gayle said...

The beach looks just perfect. I like the first few shots...looks wonderful.

George said...

Your first picture makes me want to be there right now -- a gorgeous scene. I'm glad you're having a wonderful time with your family.

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