Friday, August 16, 2013

Florida's Summer Heat Brings Beautiful Clouds

 The last couple of weeks have been a little on the hot side for me, but I'll take it!  The Florida heat and humidity bring amazing clouds!  This evening was just perfect, with clouds, a cooling wind and the rising moon.  What more could you ask for?

The view from our decks this evening.

The critters kept us entertained today.  However, you can tell by Puffin's expression that he was not impressed at all, with Lexi's attempt at a visit.

Have a great weekend!


Roxanne Reinhart said...

Tootie!!! So glad to see you back in blogland. I've been a tad worried about you, especially when I didn't see any turtle nesting posts. Hope you are doing really, really well. Puffin is so dang cute. Love him when he is
Hope you have a great weekend!!
I cannot look at the sky with lots of puffy white clouds that I don't think of you!

Heaven's Walk said...

Hi Tootie! It's so very good to hear from you in blogland again! I've missed your beautiful Sanibel photos! Hope you are all doing well and enjoying a wonderful summer! It's been a cooler and wetter one up here in MI, but that's ok with me. The lawn and gardens look so green and full of life. :) We do have one maple tree that is turning a coppery orange at the tippy top already, though. Autumn is right around the corner!

xoxo laurie

Dave said...

Hi, Tootie. Dave, from Dave's Yak Tales. Do you know anything about how the Wildlife Dr. repaving project is going? I know it is scheduled to be done Oct 1, but I cannot find any updates. I will be visiting October 18-21.

Heaven's Walk said...

Hey Tootie ~ I pray that all is well with you and that life is treating you beautifully on my favorite little island. I miss your wonderful beach and sky photos! Hope to hear from you, my friend!

xoxo laurie

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