Monday, September 13, 2010

Sanibel Sunset Scenes Renewed

Have you ever wanted a lighthouse of your very own?  Well, here's your chance to own a replica of the Sanibel Lighthouse.  Seven hundred tickets are on sale at Bailey's General Store at $10.00 each.  A portion of the proceeds will go to refurbishing the Lighthouse. could purchase a post card....and
send the Sanibel Lighthouse home, where it would be waiting when you return from vacation.


This evening we could see pink clouds from our deck, so we hurried back out to spoil island B of the Sanibel Causeway.The sun had just set, as we arrived.  Here are the sunset scenes from today.

This is the view as I looked toward the Sanibel Lighthouse, from the first bridge.

As we pulled over to park, I looked across the street to see
our friend Tink, who we had left only a couple of hours before.
She had gone to Gulfside City Park, to walk on the beach and search
for seashells. 

She was surprised to see us, when I yelled to her.  She brought her shell finds over to show us.  She had several tiny juvenile Horse conchs, a few small Nutmegs and Apple murex, three medium size Banded tulips and a few other things.  Not a bad booty. :)

She had started on her way home, saw the beautiful clouds and had to pull over to take some pictures.  If you check her website tomorrow, you might get a look at those photos and also see her shelling treasures.

Now from the other side of the island, left to right.

I love the changing colors.

In case you wonder; I had to aim high in the picture below to hide some ladie's head.  Why is it that everytime the sun sets and people get their cameras out, somebody looks over at you, then walks right out in front of you and stands there or drives over and parks their car in front of you?  I'm thinking if I can see the view from where I am (not in someone elses way), why can't they?  Is it just me, or does that seem rude to you?  It would be different if they were already there, fishing or something.  But really, that lady kept turning around looking back at us and just kept pacing back and forth until it was dark.  Another couple walked right past us and did the exact same thing, after seeing three of us there with cameras aimed right where they were going.  At least they had a camera, the lady didn't, but I'm sure she enjoyed the view.  Although she wasn't smiling. :) 

It was a beautiful evening, the wind was blowing and the air was cool, and no matter what I said, nothing could spoil that view. :)


Dave said...

Certainly nice cloud and sunset photos Tootie. Did you win the lighthouse raffle? :-) - Dave

gpc said...

Beautiful! Only 700 tickets? They must be pretty expensive! But it's funny how we've all come to love that funny looking lighthouse.

George said...

Did you buy a lottery ticket? That's a very neat replica of the lighthouse, but it would be out of place here on the Plateau.
Thanks for sharing those beautiful sunset pictures.

Gayle said...

Funny how that is since the horizon looks big enough for everyone to see without being rude. You're so polite...I would have said something!

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

LOVE the replica of the lighthouse. Can't see where it would fit in here in the desert though. I think I'll opt for the postcards and photographs!!