Friday, July 23, 2010

Tropical Storm Bonnie Weakened

We had to cross the Sanibel Causeway this afternoon on our way to Ft Myers. It was raining pretty hard, but that didn't stop a few people who were out Kite boarding. I guess they were taking advantage of the wind, that seemed to be the beginning of the tropical storm, Bonnie. The clouds that were approaching the Sanibel Lighthouse area, looked pretty threatening, as they were quickly hiding what little bit of blue sky there was left to see.

Bonnie made landfall as a tropical storm in southeastern Florida, with maximum sustained winds of 40 mph. But it weakened as it crossed over the state. Yay!!! We are happy with that! We were worried about the sea turtle nests on the eastern part of the island, because the beach is more flat and would have allowed the higher surf to, most likely, wash out some of the nests. So, mark one up for the turtles! :)


The Florida Blogger said...

Those kiteboarders must have read my mind. As the wind was a constant 20-30mph over here in Central Florida, I was thinking it would be a good kiteboarding day.

George said...

I'm glad the storm did no damage to the island or the turtles.

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

Glad to hear you didn't get the brunt of the storm. Lucky for those turtles!!

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