Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sanibel Evening at the Beach

We made a dash over to the Donax St beach access, next to the Holiday Inn, this evening. It got up to ninety again today, but by evening the temperature was nice and it was breezy on the beach. There were not many shells and mostly crumbs. I think there were more people in this area than shells. :)

The lady below, has either found the best way to see those teeny, tiny shells, or she is totally relaxing on her vacation.


InMyOwnStyle said...

Hi Tootie-

Thanks you for visiting my blog and leaving me the nice comment. I wish I could be where you are now. Most of the shells that I used in the window treatment I found while combing the beaches in Sanibel. My mother-in-law used to live in Ft. Myers and worked on Sanibel at a caterer on Periwinkle Way. We spent many vacations on the island at South Seas Plantation.

I enjoyed your video clips of the water. Very soothing. I have become a follower and look forward to your posts.
My best- Diane

Cheryl said...

Ahhh...I will be that lady in a couple of weeks. I can;t wait to get over there and relax and look for shells and ride my bike to Baileys!

Ivy Lane said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I am soooo glad to have found yours! I would LOVE to go to Sanibel..just for weekend..to get away... are the shells still abundant? is the oil coming that way??

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh I'd love to be there --relaxing on the beach. We've had such a hot and dry summer here.. I'm ready to move to Sanibel!!!!!! Hope none of that stinkin' oil gets to your beaches...


George said...

It looks like a perfect evening to be at the beach, even if the shelling left something to be desired. Your beaches are gorgeous as ever.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your pictures and post. I enjoyed reading it. We are leaving for our annual trip to Sanibel on Saturday and I can't wait! Glad to see the beach still looks as beautiful as ever! Sanibel really is paradise isn't it!

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