It was 88 degrees today, which would make you think it was hot. But, with a strong, cool seabreeze, it was very pleasant on the beach. The water was 78 degrees, calm and still pretty clear. No shells were washing in, but there were a few shells at two different tide lines. I didn't find any I wanted to carry away with me though. There were lots of fluffy white clouds around today, which looked beautiful against the bright blue sky. The photos and videos below, were taken at Resident Access 5, off West Gulf Drive.
Much better viewed in HD on YouTube, by clicking on screen below.
It's time for a swim. The weather is pretty cool. The photos from my Easter post are under my home. We have this open space where is the main entrance of our house and the garage for the cars. On the first floor is my house and on the second floor is my sister's, Marina, house.
Tootie, do the Kiwanis sell their coupon books on line? I seem to miss them every year but would gladly order one if they're available for off-islanders!
It's hot up here in TN also, Tootie. And we also have that nice southern breeze. I loved having the windows opened... Woke up at 5:45 hearing the birds singing... NEAT!!!!
I think it's so great that the computer has introduced us to people from all over the world.. I've met a few blogger friends and also some friends from nine years of eBay.. You live in such a beautiful place. I've only been there once.. it's lovely.
I am a retired, grandmother who is living a dream in this tropical paradise, called Sanibel Island.
My blog was created to share some of the beauty I see around me each day. This tranquil place is a haven for wildlife and the natural beaches are spectacular. I will post pictures now and then, that I snap quickly with my cellphone.
Since I am on 'Island Time' and consider myself to be a 'Slacker', my posts may not be on a regular basis. But,I hope you enjoy my adventures and come back to visit often.
It's time for a swim. The weather is pretty cool.
The photos from my Easter post are under my home. We have this open space where is the main entrance of our house and the garage for the cars. On the first floor is my house and on the second floor is my sister's, Marina, house.
Tootie, do the Kiwanis sell their coupon books on line? I seem to miss them every year but would gladly order one if they're available for off-islanders!
It's hot up here in TN also, Tootie. And we also have that nice southern breeze. I loved having the windows opened... Woke up at 5:45 hearing the birds singing... NEAT!!!!
Great Blue Sky!!!
The books are available to off-islanders, but I don't think online. I'll email you.
I think it's so great that the computer has introduced us to people from all over the world.. I've met a few blogger friends and also some friends from nine years of eBay..
You live in such a beautiful place. I've only been there once.. it's lovely.
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