Today was sunny and around 75 degrees, but this evening, with the wind out of the North, it got a little chilly. I hadn't been on the beach for a couple days, so put on a sweatshirt and went anyway.
At first it didn't seem like you could get through traffic and to the beach before dark. It was 5:45 and traffic going off the island was still backed up the entire length of Periwinkle. Luckily someone made a space so there was room to get across the traffic and onto CasaYbel Rd. From there, it was a breeze.
Went out access 2, to join a dozen or so other people that were probably there to watch the sunset. Some of them were sitting in beach chairs with their towels or a blanket wrapped around them, along with their hoods pulled up.
I walked just a little way and then turned around to go back, then I just stood there and watched the waves go back and forth for a while. Leaving the beach, it was really noticeable that there wasn't a spot anywhere on the sand that didn't have footprints. I guess that's what happens in the high season. ????
I talked with a friend earlier and she said the traffic was horrible at 4:30. The traffic was still bumper to bumper the length of Periwinkle at 6:15, that was a little surprising, but didn't have a problem getting through, as someone left a space once again. Just another heavy traffic day in 'Paradise'. :-)
This video can be watched in HD by going to YouTube.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
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It was another calgon take me away day and so I really, really enjoyed your videos tonight. The one looked like you were sitting down and I could see the waves well....ahhhh and the cute little bird.....sea shells too!!! Looked like a perfect day in paradise!!!!
I'm counting down.....
Awww,look at that cute crab...we are going back in 10 days...the weather has been so pretty these past few weeks,again,you are so lucky to live there.
I suppose it is a bit frustrating to have your home invaded by so many tourists. I know it would irritate me if my home was...I live in the boonies so no chance of that, but it does get crazy in town in the summer.
tootie, I love your photo of the crab and the one of the sunset, beautiful, thanks, tommy
Traffic was horrible both ways today. We went off island about 1:15 and it was bumper to bumper all the way across the causeway coming on island! I had a meeting at Crow and when I came home the back way about 4:15 traffic was bumper to bumper on Middle Gulf from the stop sign back to Sundial. Man, where the heck did everyone come from? I thought there was a problem with the economy!!
beautiful photographs
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