After looking at trees up close and personal, we checked out beach conditions at Resident Access #2, West Gulf Drive. There were large waves, strong NW wind and blowing sand. There were some shells (mostly arks)left at the high tide line, along with sea urchins. There was nothing I wanted to take home. There didn't seem to be much coming in with the waves, unless shells were just being covered with sand. I was a little disappointed and went home to warm up.

Later, at Lighthouse Beach, this was the scene. Once again, not many shells.

Around 5:30 PM, this is how it looked at Resident Access #6 on West Gulf Drive. There were a couple of areas, above the high tide line, where there were shells. But, it looked as though they had been there for quite some time. Hopefully the waves are stirring up the shells and they will wash up on the beach soon.

Didn't Jim say to give it 2-3 days after a cold front blows thru?
Thanks for the correction. But regardless of the name, the tree is beautiful. I hope you have better success at finding shells in the days ahead.
I love walking the beach and that one definitely looks like a good one to explore!
I imagine the shelling will improve in a few days. Those waves must have caused some movement out there. Good luck!
I am hoping today or tomorrow will dump awesome shells on the beach for you!
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