Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday on a West Gulf Beach

It was very cold last night! It got down around 38 degrees and only made it up to 58today. If you were out of the wind, it didn't feel too bad though, especially with the sunshine today.

Late afternoon we had to get to the beach to see if the shells had started coming in. There are shells. There were some piles that people were digging in.

Walking out from access 6, it didn't look too promising; as the first photos will show you. Looking in the direction of access 7, it looked about the same. Looking in the direction of access 5, there were people digging in shell piles and also standing along the shoreline watching for shells to wash up.

I went in that area and walked back and forth, watching as the big waves brought shells up, adding them to the pile that was there, and taking some away. I found a few nice things, that I took home. I was being selective, but there were lots of shells there for the taking. I think that if you spent most of the day there watching or walking in the water, you could have found lots of great shells.

It is so interesting how there may not be many shells in a certain area, but if you keep looking, you sometimes find lots of shells rolling in a little further down the beach. I only stayed about an hour and it was hard to leave. My feet and hands were wet and cold, but it was fun. Back when I was coming here for vacation, I would have still been out there, left for supper and to warm up, then gone back with a light. :-) I would have been afraid I might miss a good one. Now I'm thinking, I wish I wasn't such a wimp. I'm too used to the warm weather here and can't take the cold like I used to.

NOT a good day to be a crab! I saw several dead ones.

Pretty interesting stuff to look at, but no good shells here.

Merry diggers!

Lots of lawn art. :-)

I uploaded this video through Blogger to see how it works. You'll notice at the end, that I had to jump up and shook the camera around. Yes, I got my behind wet. :-)

I don't think I like Blogger for the videos, the viewing area is smaller.

This video is so much better if you click on the video screen and it will take you to UTube where they give you the option to watch in HD. It's a lot more like being there. :-)


Unknown said...

Nice cone.
Good thing the Hermi wasn't there.I think he's in ReHab....

Alice In Wonderland Rocks said...

Lol,I see the jump...Wow all the shells...I hope the shelling is that good in a cpl of weeks...I too enjoy watching the video's through You Tube more.

George said...

Tootie, I used to be able to take the cold better a few years ago as well. What do you think could be the cause of this? I hope it warms up for you soon.

Tootie said...

It sure was a good thing Hermie wasn't there today. :-)

George, we know it has nothing to do with getting older. :-)

Alice, I'm sure there will be some left for you.

Snowbird said...

I should have gone out today but I am such a wimp. Unfortunately, I'm busy the next few days so can't get out there. Darn.

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

You found a few nice shells in the hour you were out. Can't wait until October!!

Maria Verivaki said...

it seems that sanibel island doesnt have very cold weatehr for most of the year - yesterday we had a storm, finishing off today with pouring rain...

Dave said...

Sorry you got your trous wet. Good sea shots and sound though Toots. - Dave

Gayle said...

I can imagine a newbie (like I would be) would take every darn shell home. There seems to be soooo many. I suppose after you adjust to the life you only take the "good" ones home. I am sure it does feel cold to you. Our bodies adjust so quickly...right now I can go out side at 30 degrees without a coat on or in shorts and think it feels good especially after it being so cold. When I was in CA last year the first few days of 75 made me sweat. The last few days of it seemed chilly. It's okay to "be a wimp!". Thanks for all the great shots!

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

What do you oil your shells with? They always look so beautiful.

Alice In Wonderland Rocks said...

Thanks Tootie,I think now I’m looking forward more to the sunset & the full moon :) However, of course cool shells would be nice too :)

Tootie said...

busybee, in the last paragraph of this post, I explain what we do to our shells. However, I only go to the trouble to do that to the shells that I am going to display.

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