Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday's Mass Frivolity On Sanibel

First of all, I have to point out that I have a friend who lives in West Virginia and everytime she's planning to come here, (This Saturday!) she wishes a front will go through, so she will have good shelling when she arrives. SO...I am sure I can blame today's rain, wind, and dropping temperature on her! Today's high was 65 and a low of 55. We have had wind out of the NNW with gusts up to 20 mph. The low tonight is now forecast to be around 38. (Yes, a perfect plan for her shelling pleasure.:0)

Now on the good side of that, shells were rolling in and causing some mass frivolity on an area of west gulf beach today. When I arrived at Resident Access 5, there were some shells scattered in either direction I looked, but there was one area where a pile of shells had been left. I think the photos I took will explain how much fun was being had, in that area.

I dug for quite a while in piles and found a few nice shells I wanted, like a small fan, some augers & cerinths, a tiny horseconch and a few other tiny ones. I watched the incoming waves, but really didn't see much coming in, at that time. There were a lot of shells that were covered with sand too, so by digging through it, you could probably find nice ones. I think it was one of those days that you needed to dress warm and plan to spend the day. There is no doubt that some great shells could be found.

I didn't last for a long time, especially after getting my backside wet (again) while squatting to make a video. You'd think I'd learn, wouldn't you? Wrong! I had a great time, just watching other people having such fun, and I went home with a handfull of shells.

To watch video in High Quality go to YouTube.

To view in HD go to YouTube.


George said...

It sounds as if you had a great day at the beach. I'm sorry your friend from West Virginia feels she has to take some northern weather down with her in order to get good shells.

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

In that first video, what is that out in the water? It looks like a rock, but the waves move it so easily, I can't tell.

I wish you would go and film the ROCKS one day when the tide is low. I have heard so much about them but have never seen them. That would be really interesting to see!

gpc said...

Thanks for another post to remind me why I wish I were there. Sigh.

Alice In Wonderland Rocks said...

I wonder how cold the water actually is? I can't wait to go this weekend. I think it's going to be a great weekend for you & your friend for shelling :)
Thank you for posting the pics & video's,my kids love your blogs too :)

Tootie said...

Alice I've seen temperatures listed from 61 to 73, but I can tell you it's pretty cold. If the sun is shining I could walk in the water, perhaps up to my knees, but that would be it for me. :-) Today, I'd rather stay dry.

Alice In Wonderland Rocks said...

Thanks Tootie,I don't think there will be swimming this weekend but collecting shells it'd be ok.
The Full Moon is this weekend too I think.

Anonymous said...

This is heaven I am sure...I love the photos of all the people on the beach in there colourful clothes. I watched your vid too. Thanks for sharing:)

Little Black Scrap Cat said...

Yes, it looks a bit chilly in these pictures! I remember one Christmas at Gulf Shores that was just brutal. Yet, as visitors, we ended up getting pretty wet and numb in order to gather shells!

J said...

Woo hoo a fan shell.... and A lucky girl on the island!

Gayle said...

I think I recognize the Sanibel Stoop! :)