Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rain Clouds All Around

We've had family visiting for 12 days, and today was the day we had to say goodbye. ;( We had such a nice visit and lots of fun!

Grandson on right, his friend who joined them a few days ago, on left.

Grand Daughter, Daughter, and Son-In-Law, who is digging in his double chocolate, cookie dough, chocolate cake batter, coffee, milkshake, for chunks! :)

Lunch at Cheeburger - Cheeburger before taking them to the airport.

Leaving Sanibel on Causeway bridge. Rain clouds on the way to sanibel.

A stop at first causeway island, for a few more pictures. :) A delay tactic!

This has not been a familiar sight. We heard music when taking pictures and I laughed and said "ice cream truck", thinking it was really something else. As we were leaving; there it was!

Ft Myers was really getting dumped on!

We were driving right into rain.

Obviously the clouds were moving in a different direction than I thought.
There was blue sky over the Sanibel Lighthouse.

Or not! Clouds are so unpredictable here.

It started raining on us shortly after leaving the Sanibel Causeway and kept raining all the way to the airport. The kids' flight was delayed about 15 or 20 minutes, maybe due to weather. I hated to see them leave. Time just goes by so fast, and we had such a good time with them. But, it won't be long until the holidays roll a round, when we will see them again.

It rained on us most of the way back to the island, but when we reached the Sanibel Causeway, the sun was shining. That didn't last long. About 30 minutes after we got home, it rained again.

After the rain stopped, we decided to go to the beach. The house was just too quiet now. :( When we went outside, we saw more clouds headed our way. I went back for the umbrella and we went anyway.

We stopped at resident access 2, on West Gulf Drive, and hurried out the path. Just as we started walking, we could hear the sound of the waves. Because of that, I was hoping to see a lot of shells. But, that didn't happen. There were some at the high tide line, but nothing I even wanted to look through. In one place, I saw shells out in the water, but nothing that looked too promising there either. With a lack of footprints, it didn't look as though there had been more than one or two people on the beach, since the tide started going out. The temperature got up to 91, sometime during the day, but with some wind, it was nice walking on the beach.

We hadn't been there long, when we decided the clouds were coming our way, and we needed to take pictures and go.

There must have been a lot more wave action yesterday or last night. We could tell by the sand erosion. I just love the way the beach looks different almost every time I go.

Mostly crumbs.

There are many more sea turtle nests in this area, that has so much less traffic. For the most part, this beach is bordered by private homes with no lights shining or activity going on at night. I think there were around 7 or 8 nests all near to each other.

Rain was getting close!

We had to hurry away, but I couldn't resist looking back to take a couple more pictures. I know, I'm totally cloud crazy!

Just a few seconds after we started driving up the street, it started raining.

Then, it was pouring! It had stopped again before we got home. We didn't even get a measurable amount of rain where we live.


George said...

I like your cloud craziness -- you get wonderful pictures. I only wish you could send some of that rain up here. I'm glad you had such a good visit with your family.

Gayle said...

I bet the house is quiet! I'm glad you were able to have a nice visit. Crazy clouds! Looks just beautiful. Ah, 91* wonderful. We are cold and raining. So tired of it.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully, Bonnie didn't turn into something big! I'm holding my breath that we all make it through the next couple of months okay. :-)

Ivy Lane said...

Ohh... how I love your posts! I feel like I just had a little walk on the beach with you! LOVE your clouds...awesome pictures!!! Thanks for sharing! Happy Sunday!

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Love your pretty cloud photos -- what a beautiful family you have.

sue in mexico mo said...

Hi Tootie,
I enjoy your cloud photos. Are you 'cloud smart'? LOL I mean, can you identify different types of clouds?

I have forgotten most of the neames of clouds. Must do some research!

Thanks for sharing your beach walks.

sue in mexico mo said...

Make that NAMES of clouds . . . lol

Tootie said...

Sue, you just had to ask didn't you? LOL No, I don't know the names of all the different kinds of clouds. As much as I like them, you would think I would. But, I do know the ones in this post were rain clouds. Chuckle, chuckle. :)

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