Monday, December 15, 2008

Monday Sanibel Slacker!

Today was another warm one and it's still warm around 72 tonight. :-) I haven't done much of anything all day, except mess around on my computer. I have no excuse, as I don't need one. I am, after all a Sanibel Slacker!

So, tonight I will just share some holiday happiness, by posting photos I have of the Christmas lights at Tween Waters on Captiva.


Lara said...

wonderful lights! they make everything so beautiful and festive!

MariBy said... day I hope to know what it's like to look at Christmas decorations in 72 degree weather!

Lovely pics Tootie - thank you for sharing them. :D

Melli said...

You must either have a fabulous camera ... or a LOT of bad pictures!!! Cuz these are all GREAT - and I have a heck of a time getting GOOD pictures of lights in the dark! Verrrrry nice!!!

Snowbird said...

That's what I love about this place. You can be a Slacker anytime you darn well please. And it pleases me a LOT!!